Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The magic behind the magic.....

If you go to the "simply divas" webpage www.simplydivas.ca and you click on the button that plays the promo reel you cannot help but to be charmed and impressed by the event that is "simply divas". As many times as I have watched it (and that's not because I'm in it!!!) I am always in awe of the talent, the magic and the commitment that the 75 people who work so hard on divas gives of themselves to make it happen. So many people work so hard, for days, weeks, months....rehearsing....chasing donations....making incredible food....creating advertising materials....waiting tables....doing big hair....donating costumes....selling tickets.....

and then it all comes down to a few hours....and a handful of lovely young women who sing their hearts out. It is, without question, very magical.

So, with all of that being said, I just would like to take these few moments and give some major props to all those who really help create the magic. Without you, none of it happens. You give selflessly to an organization who could never, in a million years, ever be able to do this without you. You help us to create a special forum where for a few minutes we get to forget about how tough living with mental illness can really be, not only for the person who is ill, but also for their family who live and support their family member. That makes all of this even more special and even more appreciated.

To those reading, I'd like to take this opportunity to say, pick up the phone and order your tickets. What we've got lined up for this year's event is just simply not to be missed. There is magic in the air....and we call it...."simply divas".

the Executive Diva,