Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Sweet It Is!

There is nothing quite like home sweet home! This year, for some fun and to add a different kind of sweet side to the FAME annual holiday parties we've decided to let you build your own home sweet homes!

That's right, it's all about the gingerbread, the candy canes, the gumdrops and licorice whips. Oh wait, something is missing....oh yes...and the chocolate! Spoken like the true chocolate loving woman I am!

We are going to provide our families with Gingerbread House kits, all the trimmings are included and all you have to do is to put them together. We thought it would be an absolute blast and tons 'o fun for families to get together and build their own home sweet homes! The best part of this is that when you are all finished you get to take your gingerbread house home with you so that you and your family can enjoy it over the holiday season. We are also going to give away some prizes for Home Sweet Homes that are everything from the most lopsided to the most candified! You are welcome to bring along your own extra trimmings (I highly recommend things like Smarties, M&M's, ju-jubes etc.) just in case you want to go all out!

If you want in on the fun you have to pre-register with your family outreach worker so we know how many kits we'll have to have on hand. As well you'll need to bring along your own baking sheet or a fairly solid board/cardboard so that you can carry your gingerbread house home!

We look forward to seeing you out at this year's holiday gatherings because here at FAME we know there is more to life!


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