Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pssssssssst.....did you hear.....

So much going on at FAME these days! So much to share, so little time to type! Ok, so here goes.....well.....first off let's give a big shout out once again to Lembi Buchanan and her organization, the Nickel-A-Drink Foundation. If you scroll down through my earlier posts you'll see that we doff our cap to Lembi and her support to FAME but making FAME the recipient of the funds they raised at the Andre Picard dinner!!!! Lembi tells me in an email that they have another $2,000 to donate to FAME in support of our amazing fameKids program!!!! How fantastic is that! This rocks! Thank you so much to the NAD for their support. Make sure to check them out (scroll down as I've pasted in the links to their website!).

Ok, next (as she takes another deep breath) soooooooo.... I'm out at the United Way of Peel Celebration Dinner last week and I bump in to Sandra Solonik from the Region of Peel. Late last fall FAME submitted a community funding support request to the region but to date we hadn't heard anything. So, being the opportunist that I am so well known for being (hey a girl has to make the best of every situation right?) I decided to inquire after the status of the community submissions. Sandra says "oh, haven't I called or emailed you? FAME's been approved for community funding...". That community funding is worth $20,000 in support of FAME's family programming! So how amazing is that!!! Boy oh boy....are we on a roll here or what?

Busy, busy, busy.....and next week I'm off to the Mental Health Commission of Canada round table discussions to put in our two cents on their draft strategic document. We are one of only 30 who have been invited to this round table. It's buoying to know that the MHCC values the input of families. I will keep all of you very close to my heart next week.

Please note the date for our AGM this year, which will benchmark our 20th anniversary is Monday, September 21st and will be held out at the World Vision Bldg. in Mississauga. It'll be a very special evening to acknowledge friends, families, both present and past.

By the way, the Dundas St. office is under construction/renovation/expansion. We've added another space across the hall. We are painting, plastering, putting down some new flooring and adding what will be a really nice family intake room because for us, it's all about the families. divas tickets will ya! It's a new event this spring with a new date....a bigger, better, hipper and more fun (I know that's hard to believe would even be possible) but it will be. A lot of people put their heart, soul and voices into this event. We have more than 50 volunteers who work to make this event happen and they do this all in support of FAME. Show them your support and buy a ticket!!!!

Stay tuned for more news and bits and bytes....!

much respect,

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