Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where do the days fly?

Time flies. Ya blink and it's right by you! By now I'm sure that many of you have seen the new and vastly improved version of the FAME newsletter. The wow factor is monster! We are absolutely thrilled to bits with the production of this quarterly news piece from the agency. The feedback has been very positive.

Days are busy here at FAME. With divas on the horizon all the beehive is a buzzing on Dundas Street. Tickets have been selling well in advance and we are buoyed at the thought of putting on an event that could possibly sell 500 tickets. Imagine that. This is our fourth year and for us its very special since this year benchmarks FAME's 20th anniversary year. We are like the little engine that could....just chugging along. For us though, it is all about the families.

We've almost finished the renovations at Dundas St. You wouldn't even recognize the place! If you are in the neighborhood, stop by, we'll make you a cup of tea and have a chit chat. We love visitors in the office. Currently we are searching for family members who are interested in giving us a sound bite for our FAME clip that we are working on with Andrew Brown. Andrew is the very talented volunteer who helped us put together the simply divas clip that you can see at It is such a cool, cool clip and we are very proud of it. The new piece we are working on is more focussed on FAME and its role for families. If you are comfortable and would like to share on camera what FAME has meant for your family then by all means, give us a call and we'll get the cameras rolling. We love to hear from our families.

Hopefully spring in the offing. I'm dreaming of tulips, daffodils and hyacinth....which gets me to thinking about Easter....and of course that gets me to thinking about chocolate. :) Hey, what can I say, around this place, chocolate is the manna of our lives.

Here's wishing all our friends and family members happy soon to be spring days!

The E.D.

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