Thursday, April 8, 2010

Apologies for the long absence....

Blooms are up. I couldn't help but to notice the Magnolia trees as I drove along Burnhamthorpe Road the other day. With new blooms always comes the reminder that there is new life. We've been busy here at FAME what with preparing for the divas event and our Taking Back Your Life presentation. There are no quiet days here at the office.

My last post was dedicated to the announcement and the invitation to be a part of the Toronto Police Services Board subcommittee on Mental Health. Well late yesterday afternoon I sat in my very first meeting. The room was full and it's members diverse. After years of sitting on committee after committee, seeing report after report, I am trying to remain buoyed that something concrete will actually be realized through this committee. There is no question in my mind that there are systemic problems for the policing community in addressing mental health issues. While I have been highly critical of in introduction of new weaponry, specifically the conductive energy weapon (more commonly know as a taser), I don't walk in the shoes of the police and so for now I will reserve my judgement and wait to see what will unfold out of this committee.

In the meantime, it's business as usual over here at FAME. One small reminder though...take a few minutes to enjoy the new spring blooms.

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