Monday, July 21, 2008

Bob Dylan said a mouthful when he penned "ahh...the times they are a changin...."

These are different times now for many small agencies. So many changes, changes that we are hopeful are for the better. The agency, while tiny, somehow still seems to manage to continue doing its business and being there for families when they reach out.

Reaching out can happen in so many ways. The straight truth on the goods of how we communicate is changing at such an exponential rate of speed that it is almost blinding. How do small not for profits agencies, such as ourselves, keep abreast of how we can be a part of the paradigm shift that we've come to know as Web 2.0

Most are just boon-doggled at that expression. After a few minutes many people will say, oh yeah, we're on Web 2.0, we've got a website, we're with it, we're happening. Websites, are only a very small piece of the communication community engagement pie. So we've decided to expand the horizons of the way we can engage a community, from corner to corner, north to south, east to west, urban & rural, culturally and generationally.

Ok, enough of that blather. At the end of the day this is really about sharing each others days, lives and the moments that fill them. Some are "a ha!" moments, others are quiet and somber. Regardless it's time to share.

Ask my staff what I always tell me, day in and day out......

at the end of the day, for us, it's all about the families.



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