Thursday, July 24, 2008

When did the word schizophrenic become an adjective?

I'm totally amazed at moments at the way people lob the word schizophrenic around like it is an adjective. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people use it in everday chatter to describe everything from bad fashion tastes to sports commentary. I remember being heart broken when my beloved Stacy London from tv's "What Not To Wear" said "what is up with this schizophrenic style of dressing!". Chris Berman, a long time veteran sports broadcaster used the word when he was doing his color commentary on a running back who's performance had been inconsistent. To add insult to injury, they use it in a way, that isn't even reflecting what the word means. All this education and awareness around mental illness yet most people think schizophrenia is some sort of personality disorder.

I guess we've got a long way to go.....


Michelle said...

This is so true. And also using the word 'retarded' in the same way. It's because when people use 'schizo', etc. and the implication that the person or thing they're describing is well, stupid.

And then we wonder why it's so hard for (a) family members and (b) our loved ones who suffer from a mental illness to accept it.

viagra online said...

Yeah! You are pointing right! Most of the time people is much more stupid than what they think, if they even do it