Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finding Healing through Creativity

We've been blessed with a very talented staff here at FAME. Each one comes with their own special talent and their own special way in sharing their talents with each other and more importantly with the families that we serve. I've been giving a lot of thought to different ways that we as an agency are able to reach out and not only work with families but empower them to find healing and solace through ways they had never considered before. It didn't take me long to realize the power of healing through the avenues of discovering the therapy that we call art, in many different forms, can be just as effective and powerful for many family members.

Over the past few years we've witnessed the advent of art therapy and the benefits it has brought to consumers in their recovery. The use of art as a therapy often provided a way for many to find a different path in helping them to understand their illnesses and often a portal back into the world so that others too could understand them. So what if we took this very same approach with families and began to look for ways to incorporate art therapy in their own recovery as a family member. It could be a bridge between a family and their ill family member, a bridge that was different and creative. Creative is good. Different is good. Bridges are good.

Over the next few months I've decided to work with the staff in looking for new pathways for families, incorporating and encouraging the use of art and art therapy as a form of recovery for themselves. Imagine the power to journal and find the words you need to say to help you realize your struggle. Maybe it will be through photography or painting or drama or music. One never knows when one opens that door will it might lead. What we do know is that door needs to be opened.

To the families I say stay tuned. The staff is blessed with writers, artists, musicians and performers. It is a new journey for all of us. No matter what though, we will stay true to the tenet that we, here at FAME live and work the end of the day, it's all about the families.

Peace and love to our families,

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