Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ombudsman finally speaks.....

I apologize for my long absence. A girl has been busy driving through the hills of Tuscany in search of that perfect glass of Chianti. A holiday can be a good thing and an even better thing when one is in a country where the food, the drink and the art is so amazing. It's good to be back. Now on to other things!

Stay tuned....I'd like to write a posting about the long awaited report from the office of the Ombudsman and their review of the Special Investigations Unit of the Police Departments that serve this province. I am in the middle of reading the report (it's a doorstop) and let me tell you, it isn't kind to the SIU.

To all the families who've waited patiently, for what seemed to be an eternity, for this report to release, let me say this. Our hearts and our hope goes out to you.

Most respectfully,


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