Thursday, December 11, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words.....

A picture is worth a thousand words! What an overwhelming response we have had to our family holiday gatherings this year at FAME! No one, but no one could have prepared us for the magic that our Home Sweet Home themed holiday parties could create for us and for the families that have joined us for these very special occasions. I was so moved at the Mississauga party where one couple informed me that they couldn't recall the last time their family had so much fun and they had heard so much laughter in an evening. It was a very powerful moment for me and I found myself having to catch my breath. What a pleasure it has been so far to share this time with families. This year has been extra special as well in that we finally put on our very first fameKids event, hosting a dozen children (it was a kids only extravaganza!) and they loved every minute of it. We've got one more party to go (out in Scarborough) and we are setting record attendance this year. Go figure. Who'd have thought that gingerbread and candy could bring so much joy.
I'd like to take my hat off to the FAME staff for all their hard work in making this happen this year. Mary, Frank, Paul, Lyndsay, Anie, Afrooz, Michelle & Nicole! Your hard work has paid huge dividends to the families we serve. And to our volunteers....without you, it doesn't happen! Also a big huge shout out to the CHUM-CITY Christmas Wish who so generously help support FAME in our annual holiday parties. All the best to our families and friends this coming holiday season and much good health for the new year!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanks Lembi!

People have always told me that I was a force to be reckoned with, a bundle of never ending energy and always willing to stand up for causes that everyone else would turn their back too because the uphill climb seemed to be too daunting. Then I met Lembi Buchanan. Let's talk about a force, boy oh boy, this girl could take a lesson from that girl! Lembi Buchanan has been a long time advocate and champion in the community of mental health. Her sheer will and determination buoy me and only makes me want to dig down a little bit more to find that extra effort to make sure that I can bring all that I can and do all that I can do for the community that we live in.

For those of you who don't know all that much about her let me give you a little insight. Lembi, who's husband Jim, who is the complete love of her life, is afflicted with bi-polar and when the government saw fit to refuse Jim the Disability Tax Credit, Lembi decided to take them on. Now we all know what taking on "the man" can be like. It can leave one feeling like a bug on the windshield, simply to be wiped away. Lembi wasn't having any of that. In the end, the Buchanan's won their bid for Jim's DTC and ultimately this all led to changes in that legislation.

When Canada Post announced its original intention of releasing a postage stamp in support of the mental health community everyone was thrilled. The trouble was that the original stamp left many of us feeling that the imagery of the stamp only reinforced the negative connotations about mental health with its swirling insignia.Lembi took this challenge on head first. Imagine what it takes to get a federal postal agency to completely scrap the original stamp template and replace it. Well she did it and just this past October Canada Post unveiled its Taking Steps campaign with the new stamp. Thank you Lembi.

Lembi's commitment to working in this community didn't end with that challenge. Currently the Buchanan's oversee the Nickel-A-Drink Foundation which is looking at petitioning the government to encourage them to levy a five cent taxation on all alcohol sold, with revenues to be directed to the addictions and mental health community. She is relentless and tireless in her pursuit of improving the quality of life for those affected by mental health and addictions.

Most recently we at FAME have had the good fortune to be the on the receiving end of Lembi's good work. A few weeks ago I attended a fundraising dinner hosted by Lembi, Jim and the Nickel-A-Drink Foundation. It was a great evening with the highlights being the keynote address by Andre Picard, author of the Globe & Mail series "Breakdown - A Crisis in Mental Health Care". The second highlight was hearing from Jesse Bigelow, an extraordinary young man who has reclaimed his life from schizophrenia. At the end of the evening Lembi announced that all proceeds from the evening would be coming to FAME, yes you read that right, coming to FAME in support of the fameKids programming. Lembi had told me that after speaking me about fameKids she's come to realize the gaping holes in support for children in dealing with mental health issues.

This Thursday I will be attending the Nickel-A-Drink Foundation AGM to receive what will be the first installment of a donation. The generosity and support that NAD has shown FAME is so greatly appreciated, as is Lembi's efforts to put FAME out there in the community and make others aware of our programs and services. If you'd like to know more about the Disability Tax Credit improvements, the Nickel-A-Drink Foundation or the Canada Post campaign (which I mentioned in an earlier blogposting) then check out these links:

Finally, Lembi, on behalf of all the families that we serve, a big fat thanks. You absolutely inspire this girl!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Sweet It Is!

There is nothing quite like home sweet home! This year, for some fun and to add a different kind of sweet side to the FAME annual holiday parties we've decided to let you build your own home sweet homes!

That's right, it's all about the gingerbread, the candy canes, the gumdrops and licorice whips. Oh wait, something is missing....oh yes...and the chocolate! Spoken like the true chocolate loving woman I am!

We are going to provide our families with Gingerbread House kits, all the trimmings are included and all you have to do is to put them together. We thought it would be an absolute blast and tons 'o fun for families to get together and build their own home sweet homes! The best part of this is that when you are all finished you get to take your gingerbread house home with you so that you and your family can enjoy it over the holiday season. We are also going to give away some prizes for Home Sweet Homes that are everything from the most lopsided to the most candified! You are welcome to bring along your own extra trimmings (I highly recommend things like Smarties, M&M's, ju-jubes etc.) just in case you want to go all out!

If you want in on the fun you have to pre-register with your family outreach worker so we know how many kits we'll have to have on hand. As well you'll need to bring along your own baking sheet or a fairly solid board/cardboard so that you can carry your gingerbread house home!

We look forward to seeing you out at this year's holiday gatherings because here at FAME we know there is more to life!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In the Presence of True Greatness

I can honestly say that there have only been a few moments in my life when I have actually been at a loss for words. They have been very few and far between but yesterday was one of them. Being in the presence of absolute greatness will do that to a girl. I was so blessed to have a chance to meet simply one of the greatest men, one of the greatest catalysts to social change, one of the greatest persons who have made significant impacts to poverty in the world, Dr. Muhammad Yunus. I'm sure there are a few of you out there who are saying "who?".

Ok, let me put it to you this way, Dr. Yunus is to social change what Wayne Gretzy, Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali was to sports. If he were a rock star his name would be Bono. If he were an actor he would be a Paul Newman. Ok, so now I'm pretty sure you've got the idea.

Yesterday afternoon, my friend Michelle Bake, who is also the Director of Marketing & Community Development here at FAME (in addition to being the founder of the Etobicoke Make Poverty History Group) and I were at the Metro Convention centre for a day of motivational speakers from Richard Zaslow (co-author of The Last Lecture) to Gary Kasparov (can you say Checkmate) to Barbara Walters (or for some of you Baba WaWa) to Michael Phelps (gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold....did I get them all?) to Dr. Muhammad Yunus.

During his speech Dr. Yunus talked about how he began the Grameen Bank, the development of social business and the future of capitalism. In 2006 Dr. Yunus and the Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Price for their work in the eradication of poverty and the development of the microeconomics movement in Bangladesh. He is the founder and the engineer of microcredit and is on a mission to try to build a world free of inequality and poverty. He believes that there is a way. When he spoke he was gentle and quiet. He brings with him a softness that makes you wonder how it is that he actually managed to achieve this place on the world stage. Yet there he was, sharing his message and his story. You could hear a pin drop in the room, it was that powerful. At the end of his presentation the room stood on its feet and my friend Michelle turned to me and said do you think there's any chance we'll get to meet any of these speakers. I told her probably not, more than likely they are all scooped up and off to some green room for refreshments and the press junket, after all, these are world renown people.

During the next speaker, who began sounding more like a used car sales man meets Donald Trump, we decided to step out to the lobby and have a look at the books for sale. As I was paying for my copy of Dr. Yunus's latest book, "Creating a World Without Poverty", Michelle elbows me and says...."'s him!" We look up and there he is, standing there, by himself, no one around us at all other than the woman processing my credit card purchase. We began babbling like a couple of girls who just bumped into Brad Pitt.

Dr. Yunus is just as warm and gracious face to face as he was on the stage in front of 5,000 people. As I spoke with him, he took my hand in his hand, cupping my hand with both of his hands. We asked him if he would mind signing our books. For ten minutes the world just stopped. I told him that my daughter Megan would have been over the moon to hear him and he asked me about her. When I told him she was at university he asked what she was studying and I smiled and said with a huge amount of great pride, International Development and then said "I believe that one of these days she'll be working with you...." I am awed by his presence and his grace. I am buoyed by his joy and belief that we have the innate ability to make changes, even if they are small ones. For the privilege of being here and living our lives we have a moral and social obligation to make a difference in the world. Yesterday, Muhammad Yunus simply reinforced that message in my heart. I am truly grateful for that moment.

Ask yourself this.....Today, what can I do to make this place I live in better, just one small thing. Then do it.

p.s. a word of thanks to Chair, Gregory Dickson for being so kind in providing this amazing opportunity to myself and Michelle to be a part of that special event. We are indebted to you and grateful for your generosity.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finding Healing through Creativity

We've been blessed with a very talented staff here at FAME. Each one comes with their own special talent and their own special way in sharing their talents with each other and more importantly with the families that we serve. I've been giving a lot of thought to different ways that we as an agency are able to reach out and not only work with families but empower them to find healing and solace through ways they had never considered before. It didn't take me long to realize the power of healing through the avenues of discovering the therapy that we call art, in many different forms, can be just as effective and powerful for many family members.

Over the past few years we've witnessed the advent of art therapy and the benefits it has brought to consumers in their recovery. The use of art as a therapy often provided a way for many to find a different path in helping them to understand their illnesses and often a portal back into the world so that others too could understand them. So what if we took this very same approach with families and began to look for ways to incorporate art therapy in their own recovery as a family member. It could be a bridge between a family and their ill family member, a bridge that was different and creative. Creative is good. Different is good. Bridges are good.

Over the next few months I've decided to work with the staff in looking for new pathways for families, incorporating and encouraging the use of art and art therapy as a form of recovery for themselves. Imagine the power to journal and find the words you need to say to help you realize your struggle. Maybe it will be through photography or painting or drama or music. One never knows when one opens that door will it might lead. What we do know is that door needs to be opened.

To the families I say stay tuned. The staff is blessed with writers, artists, musicians and performers. It is a new journey for all of us. No matter what though, we will stay true to the tenet that we, here at FAME live and work the end of the day, it's all about the families.

Peace and love to our families,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bravo Canada Post!

Canada Post is really delivering! Bravo to our country's national postal service for stepping outside the box and recognizing the community of mental health and its issues. Canada Post is about to release a special commemorative stamp signifying its support to the mental health community. Ten cents of each stamp purchased will go towards the Canada Post Foundation in support of mental health support services all across this country. You can also donate directly to the foundation as well. This directive was developed through the input of the employees of Canada Post all across the country. Check out their website at
The foundation will begin to distribute funds in 2009 and FAME will be looking to reach out for some support!
Way to go Canada Post! I plan on using these stamps on all of FAME's mailouts, Christmas cards and holiday invites this year. I'll be doing the same for my own personal mailing as well. I'd like to encourage all of our friends and families to do the same and show your support to the mental health community.
Bravo Canada Post! You really deliver. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ombudsman finally speaks.....

I apologize for my long absence. A girl has been busy driving through the hills of Tuscany in search of that perfect glass of Chianti. A holiday can be a good thing and an even better thing when one is in a country where the food, the drink and the art is so amazing. It's good to be back. Now on to other things!

Stay tuned....I'd like to write a posting about the long awaited report from the office of the Ombudsman and their review of the Special Investigations Unit of the Police Departments that serve this province. I am in the middle of reading the report (it's a doorstop) and let me tell you, it isn't kind to the SIU.

To all the families who've waited patiently, for what seemed to be an eternity, for this report to release, let me say this. Our hearts and our hope goes out to you.

Most respectfully,


Monday, July 28, 2008

Laurels & Darts

Every Saturday in the T.O. Star, in the editorial section, they always list two laurels or darts. It's their version of a shout out to someone who's done something really great or done something really stupid. This past weekend the Star posted double laurels and in both cases they speak directly to mental health issues in this country. So I thought it'd be appropriate to tell you who was graced by these most recent laurels.

First, to Michael Kirby. You may recognize his name. He chaired the Kirby Commission and is in my opinion, one of the most important players in the game of reformation of the mental health system all across this country. Currently Mr. Kirby chairs the National Commission on Mental Health. He is now launching a new charitable organization to raise research dollars for illnesses like depression through what he hopes will become "an army of volunteers" across the country.

The second laurel goes to, believe it or not, the Saskatchewan Police Commission. Yup, you read that right, the Saskatchewan Police Commission. Why? For exercising appropriate caution in making a decision about authorizing the use of tasers by regular municipal police officers, at least for now. The Commission, taking into consideration the recent death of a 17 year old boy involving a taser incident, wants more information on conducted-energy weapons before making a decision. My hats off to the Commission for at least demonstrating the need to be well informed about this particular issue.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When did the word schizophrenic become an adjective?

I'm totally amazed at moments at the way people lob the word schizophrenic around like it is an adjective. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people use it in everday chatter to describe everything from bad fashion tastes to sports commentary. I remember being heart broken when my beloved Stacy London from tv's "What Not To Wear" said "what is up with this schizophrenic style of dressing!". Chris Berman, a long time veteran sports broadcaster used the word when he was doing his color commentary on a running back who's performance had been inconsistent. To add insult to injury, they use it in a way, that isn't even reflecting what the word means. All this education and awareness around mental illness yet most people think schizophrenia is some sort of personality disorder.

I guess we've got a long way to go.....

Finally, our fameKids Coordinator

Anie Najarian joined the FAME team approximately three months ago and oversees not only the fameKids programming but is also developing a new area of one to one support for children between 7-12 years of age.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This is the Lynds.....

Meet Lyndsay Wright. She's works out of Edenplace in Mississauga and is the newest member of the FAME family support team.

Monday, July 21, 2008

There's something about Mary

That would be something very special about Mary. Mary J. (the J is for Jursinic) is the FAME veteran agency staff member (7 years and counting!) and she has seen many changes over the years.

Meet the boys!

Meet Paul O'Donnell and Frank Logue .
Paul manages the Scarborough location and is our Dual Diagnosis support person.
Frank manages the Brampton office and has been with FAME for just over two years.

Afrooz Eghbali, Administrator Coordinator

Afrooz is the Manager of Administrative Systems and she keeps things running very smoothly at FAME central in Etobicoke. She has been with FAME for three years.

Please meet Stephanie Baker.....

Stephanie Baker is FAME's Manager of Community Development. Stephanie also oversees the volunteer programming.

Introducing the Travelling Gnome....

Annoying as they are it seems like gnomes are popping up everywhere! So why should it be any different out here in the blog'o'sphere! Here's the deal people. If for whatever reason you get an email from me with the travelling gnome on it you'll have 48 hours to respond by putting a comment or sharing something here on the blogsite. You can easily add your comments.

If you blog....share something.....tell a story....leave a message....there will be great rewards!

Rewards you say? Danegeld? Giveaways?

Uh huh, you read that right. I've got a velvet purse here (insert the sound of tinkling and jingling)....all sorts of really great swag.....iTune cards, chocolate, cards to the Second Cup, things you can lick, chomp, bite, slurp and savour. All of that for a blog moment. C'mon....ya know you want to do it .... :)

Bob Dylan said a mouthful when he penned "ahh...the times they are a changin...."

These are different times now for many small agencies. So many changes, changes that we are hopeful are for the better. The agency, while tiny, somehow still seems to manage to continue doing its business and being there for families when they reach out.

Reaching out can happen in so many ways. The straight truth on the goods of how we communicate is changing at such an exponential rate of speed that it is almost blinding. How do small not for profits agencies, such as ourselves, keep abreast of how we can be a part of the paradigm shift that we've come to know as Web 2.0

Most are just boon-doggled at that expression. After a few minutes many people will say, oh yeah, we're on Web 2.0, we've got a website, we're with it, we're happening. Websites, are only a very small piece of the communication community engagement pie. So we've decided to expand the horizons of the way we can engage a community, from corner to corner, north to south, east to west, urban & rural, culturally and generationally.

Ok, enough of that blather. At the end of the day this is really about sharing each others days, lives and the moments that fill them. Some are "a ha!" moments, others are quiet and somber. Regardless it's time to share.

Ask my staff what I always tell me, day in and day out......

at the end of the day, for us, it's all about the families.

